7 Benefits of A3 Colour Printing for Small Businesses

7 Benefits of A3 Colour Printing for Small Businesses


7 Benefits of A3 Colour Printing for Small Businesses

Every day, small businesses are increasingly turning to the power of digital technology in an effort to keep up with the changing world of business. Without a doubt, the digital age has given the printing industry a huge shake up, and while advances in digital technology have replaced traditional printing tasks – such as mono printing for faxes, memos and letters – small businesses still have a need for quality printing, especially for colour A3 printing.

Traditionally, A3 printers have been considered too expensive for small business. Most businesses could not justify the cost versus benefits of an A3 printer, so they chose to either outsource their A3 quality printing or decided to not print at all.

These days, however, technological advancements in the printing industry have made it not only possible but also affordable for SMEs to have the printing technology they need to stand out from the competition and showcase themselves as the professional and reputable brand that they are. This is thanks to quality A3 colour prints. If your business is considering investing in an A3 colour printer, here are 7 benefits you might not know.

1. Stand out from the crowd

While your competitors are either paying the high price of out-sourcing their colour printing or not printing at all, your business will be ahead of the game, having the ability to print affordable, top quality, colour presentations and proposals in-house and on-demand, short-run as required.

2. Grow your brand

With the ability to print high quality colour prints in-house, your company will be seen as the professional and reputable brand that it is. Printing in high quality colour improves the way your company is represented to potential clients, and continues to sell your value proposition once your sales person has left their office.

3. Gain control over your printing

Carrying out all your printing needs in-house will provide your business with greater control over when and how documents are printed. You don’t have to wait in line behind other printing projects or fit in with the hours of a printing house. Having your colour printing done in-house offers you more control, improves cash flow, and enables more flexibility when it comes to building your brand.

4. It’s more affordable than you think  

Many SMEs choose not to invest in an A3 colour printing device because they assume the costs are astronomical. This simply isn’t true. In fact, for less than $5 a day, you can print quality colour prints inhouse.

Fuji Xerox Printers Colour Printing A3 and A4 In House

5. Room for flexibility

A3 multifunction devices allow you the flexibility to print and scan from mobile devices. From web pages to photos and emails, you can print pages straight from your mobile device. You can also scan documents and send them directly to your mobile device. Simply download the ‘Print Utility’ app, which is available as a free download for iOS and Android devices.

6. Boost office productivity

A productive office is a happy office. A3 colour printing devices enables decentralised workgroup printing, which means your staff can collect their printouts from a device that’s been placed at an arms-length. This allows staff to continue working and not break their flow of concentration, rather than waste time walking across the office to collect a print job.

7. It’s sustainable

Most A3 colour printing devices feature ‘toner save mode’ function, which has three settings that allow you to manage your toner usage by choosing the toner setting that best suits your printing needs. For example, if you’re printing internal documents that don’t need high image quality, you can select ‘light’ or ‘lightest’ to save toner. Furthermore, most A3 colour printing devices also feature proven S-LED print engine technology. Combined with EA-Eco toner, your printer provides a lower running cost for your business and a greener planet for everyone else.