Aligning business education with sustainability

Aligning business education with sustainability


Aligning business education with sustainability

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic for discussion in schools and tertiary institutions, focused on providing students with the awareness and skills to critically think about how the actions of themselves, their community and business will impact the world both now and moving into the future.

ACARA describes education for sustainability as developing “…the knowledge, skills, values and world-views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living. It enables individuals and communities to reflect on ways of interpreting and engaging with the world.  Sustainability education is futures-oriented, focusing on protecting environments and creating a more ecologically and socially just world through informed action. Actions that support more sustainable patterns of living require consideration of environmental, social, cultural and economic systems and their interdependence.”

Sustainability education: A real world case study for the classroom

There are many subject areas where issues relating to sustainability can be explored such as science, social studies, technology, business studies and arts.

The Department of Education and Training supported the production of a report by leading institution Macquarie University in 2017, which specifically explores the alignment of business education with industry expectations on employability and sustainability. While the report focuses on the higher education sector, the purpose of the report in exploring the skills students need to contribute to and lead businesses to a sustainable future is relevant also for secondary students.

Four case study learning packs were developed as part of the project by students themselves in collaboration with project members. One of these learning packs  was on Fuji Xerox Australia. The learning packs provide useful, real world examples for secondary students studying units such as business studies and economics.. You can view the full document here . The Fuji Xerox case study with discussion questions is located on page 63 of the document.

Want to learn more?

To find out more about Fuji Xerox’s sustainability initiatives visit our website.

To support your learning experience, Fuji Xerox Australia offers the unique opportunity for students to visit our Eco Manufacturing Centre at Rosehill, NSW. Read more about such experiences here.