Under new ownership

Under new ownership

News, Whats New at SOS

Under new ownership

We wanted to update you on some very exciting news at SOS Office Equipment. On October 1st 2015, the key management of SOS Office Equipment completed a management buy-out of the business. We are very excited about what this means for the product as well as our customers, and you should be seeing some positive changes in the business over the next few months.

The business is now headed by Quintin Whitcher, who has been working and managing SOS as the sales Director for the past 8 years. Quintin has extensive experience within the industry with previous roles running a concessionaire in England.

Why did we do this? Since Quintin arrived in Australia from England over 8 years ago, the plan has always been to groom him into a position to be able to eventually take over from Neville, allowing him to retire after many years of helping our customers.

So what does this mean for you? The first immediate change is that we are investing more resources to update the service we provide. As a first step, we are already working on full automation of the collection of meters and ordering of toners, and drums. While we plan to enhance our services, we also want to hear from you on what you would like to see in the products and services we offer.

So what will be changing? First, the name of the owner will change. We will also be launching an updated web site with more online resources and a new Facebook page for our social butterfly customers (please show your support by “liking” us). We may also update the logo. Further down the road, we will no longer be posting invoices and statement, again, this will become an automated system, embracing technology in the form of Email.

So what will not change? The products and services will still be the same and many of the core staff that you have worked with over the years will continue working with you. We also do not anticipate making any changes to service and support plans.

We are looking forward to making lots of positive changes within the next several months and over the long run to improve the level of customer service, support, and continued enhancement our products and services. These are exciting times for us and we look forward to sharing these improvements with you as they develop. Please stay tuned for more news.

We thank you for your continued business and welcome your feedback.