
Is technology the future of education?

A collaboration between ABC Education and Deakin Motion.Lab conveys how technology benefits students’ learning, and engages them in the classroom. Fist published April 2018http://this.deakin.edu.au/innovation/is-technology-the-future-of-education With technology advancing rapidly in today’s society, it was only a matter of time until schools began integrating it into classrooms. So much so, that terms like ‘digital literacy’ and ‘digital […]

MakerBot Pro Series: The Drone

This story is part two of MakerBot’s series of design studies, exploring iterative design and the relationship between designers and their tools. You’ve probably taken something apart just to see how it works. Maybe you fixed it, maybe you marveled at the ingenuity of the design, but something about it was fascinating. I had this […]