
How technology can lead an improvement in Aged Care

The aged care sector in Australia is at a critical moment in time, owing to both recent Royal Commission findings and COVID-19. This, coupled with the prospect of people living longer and the statistic that baby boomers comprise 21.5% of the Australian population in 2021, demonstrates an ever-increasing demand for aged care services. The Royal […]

Your ultimate technology guide to watch in 2019

In 2018, we saw technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT) change the way we work. As an IT professional, you’ve probably spent the past year either implementing or thinking about ways to implement these technologies and reap the benefits for your business. But 2019 will have more to offer, with […]

How to secure your workplace’s mobile devices

Australia has well and truly embraced mobile devices, with smartphone penetration expected to exceed 90% by the end of this year. It’s no surprise, therefore, that they are also a key element of the modern Australian workplace – indeed, to many employees they are just as crucial, if not more so, than their desktops. But while mobile devices bring […]

The evolution of managed print services (MPS): yesterday, today and tomorrow

The global managed print services (MPS) market continues to go from strength to strength, forecasted to rise from $26.18 billion in 2015 to $94.97 billion by 2024. While large enterprises account for the leading share in the overall market, the adoption of MPS by small- and medium-sized businesses continues to rise, as more people realise the benefits that MPS […]

How one government school increased efficiency with mobile printing

Education has traditionally been an industry synonymous with manual processes and paper-based systems, so having an outdated printing solution can quickly eat into time, budgets and resources, not to mention exposing a business to increased security risks. That’s why many educational institutions are using multifunction devices (MFDs) and mobile printing – the process of sending data to a printer via a […]

How your SMB could benefit from managed print services

Your print operations have a significant impact on your business. In most cases, printing could be the third biggest expense, behind payroll and rent. This is why if left unmaintained, you could be wasting alot of time and money on inefficient print devices, systems and processes. Your printers and multifunction devices (MFDs) could be weighing your business […]

The State of Document Management in Education 2017/18

Following the 2017 Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference, Fuji Xerox sent a survey to conference attendees asking for feedback on the state of document management in private education. The results provide some interesting insights into the challenges and trends being felt by schools and business managers. When asked to identify the top administration […]

Planning for business growth: 5 things you can start doing today

You work hard every day to take your business to that next level. But if you’re not also planning to adequately accommodatethat growth, your business could be hindered operationally and missing out on opportunities when it’s time to expand and soar. Every business inevitably experiences some growing pains, but there are strategies you can put in […]


Kyocera business apps are powered by HyPAS™ (Hybrid Platform for Advanced Solutions), a Kyocera-developed software platform that expands your MFP’s core capabilities with simple touch-screen operations that address your unique workflow needs. Leveraging this technology, paper documents are cost-effectively routed into an efficient digital workflow, helping you control costs, secure processes and gain the competitive […]