How to keep student’s attention in class with AV technology

The key to student success is engagement and attention, and implementing classroom technology can help make learning exciting. According to McGraw Hill’s 2017 Digital Study Trends Survey, 60 percent of students feel that digital learning technology has improved their grades, with a fifth saying it “significantly” improved their grades. In addition, college students have definitely moved away […]


The future of learning and teaching: Big changes ahead for education As the world we live in changes to embrace tech futures, how and what we teach in our education system will also be reshaped to keep up to date with the growing demands of the 21st century. RMIT School of Education Professor Tricia McLaughlin […]


Despite its role in preparing young people to move society and technology forward, the education industry has remained ironically resistant to change. Until recently, most educational processes have remained virtually unchanged for decades or longer. However, the digital revolution hasn’t forgotten education – schools and colleges have finally started introducing drastic changes, and in the […]

How to identify and respond to a data breach

Data breaches can result in significant costs to an organisation – according to Ponemon Institute’s ‘2017 Cost of Data Breach Study: Australia’, the average total cost of a data breach was $2.51 million. But the costs to the individual whose personal information has been intercepted can be devastating, with consequences ranging from financial fraud and identity […]

11 Things Ultra-Productive People Do Differently

When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge—there are only 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have twice the time; they have an uncanny ability to get things done. Even when juggling multiple projects, they reach their goals without fail. Time is really the only capital that any […]

How sustainable is in-house print management?

Every business worth its salt aims to be more sustainable, not just in terms of being more environmentally friendly, but also in terms of reducing costs and overheads. Often the two go hand in hand, with efforts to be more eco-friendly also having a marked positive effect on a company’s bottom line. Print management plays a […]

What Innovative Features are Changing the Game in Classroom Display Technology?

You’ve identified the need for a feature-rich interactive solution in your classroom. It’s absolutely the best way to compete with dwindling attention spans and keep students engaged and interested in your lessons. So what features should you be looking for, exactly? High Resolution When you demand 4K Resolution, you can be sure you’re delivering an […]

Scanners for schools

It would be easy to think of the modern-day student as needing only their laptop and an internet connection to thrive at school. But it would also be naïve to think that the internet is their only source of information gathering. What I’m getting at is… books are not dead! Today’s student however, needs to […]

The Difference Between Standard, Short Throw and UST Projectors

Source: Elite Screens Inc. This article addresses the main characteristics of Standard, Short Throw, and UST projectors as well as the materials that are most compatible with them. Before we start, let’s discuss throw distance since it is what sets these 3-projectors apart. Throw distance is the measured expanse that the light must travel from the […]