The State of Document Management in Education 2017/18

Following the 2017 Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference, Fuji Xerox sent a survey to conference attendees asking for feedback on the state of document management in private education. The results provide some interesting insights into the challenges and trends being felt by schools and business managers. When asked to identify the top administration […]
How to get started with scanning

If like many of us, you hear people of talk of scanning and your eyes glaze over, you haven’t cottoned on to the fact that every business you can think of needs a scanning solution. The first thing you need to understand is what are the different types of scanners and who uses them. Sure, […]
Planning for business growth: 5 things you can start doing today

You work hard every day to take your business to that next level. But if you’re not also planning to adequately accommodatethat growth, your business could be hindered operationally and missing out on opportunities when it’s time to expand and soar. Every business inevitably experiences some growing pains, but there are strategies you can put in […]
Scanners for schools

It would be easy to think of the modern-day student as needing only their laptop and an internet connection to thrive at school. But it would also be naïve to think that the internet is their only source of information gathering. What I’m getting at is… books are not dead! Today’s student however, needs to […]
Consider your consumables

Sourcing cheap consumables is one of the most common tactics businesses use to save money. Many are lured by the cheaper shelf price and promises of ‘compatibility’ with their printer or copier. But non-genuine toners, inks and cartridges can cost you more in the long run. The lower page yield, susceptibility to damage and leakage, […]
The hidden costs of centralised printing

When looking at what kind of corporate print solution to roll out, many large companies with multiple departments, would instinctively lean towards choosing a few all-rounder multi-function printers in centralised positions around the various floors or departments. This is frequently based on the assumption that this approach is the most cost effective in providing the […]
Mandatory data breach reporting starts for small business

More than half of Australian small business owners are blissfully unaware that new laws around mandatory reporting of data breaches that come into play on Thursday could attract crippling fines, research shows. The Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme of the Privacy Act establishes new reporting requirements that mandate that small business covered by the Australian Privacy Act […]