Four Ways Your Business Can Control Costs
Cost-saving strategies are essential for businesses of any size, especially if you’re in a competitive industry or have tight margins. After all, keeping costs under control not only affects the overall profitability of a business, but can also mean the difference between staying afloat and going under in economically difficult times, which may or may […]
Is technology the future of education?
A collaboration between ABC Education and Deakin Motion.Lab conveys how technology benefits students’ learning, and engages them in the classroom. Fist published April 2018 With technology advancing rapidly in today’s society, it was only a matter of time until schools began integrating it into classrooms. So much so, that terms like ‘digital literacy’ and ‘digital […]
Study reveals office employees prefer reading on paper than on screen
There is no doubt that the world we live in is becoming increasingly technological. From phones that can be unlocked by our fingerprints, to interactive books, to robots that exhibit uncanny human-like qualities. And that’s just the start. Who knows where the world will be in 5, 10 or 20 years’ time. Will cars fly? […]
Innovation in managing student spaces
In our previous blog post on Artificial Intelligence (AI), we discussed AI being used to place unique patterns in a document to track copyright. This was just one example of the type of innovation Fuji Xerox is working on that could make the lives of teachers and school administrators easier. At Fuji Xerox’s laboratory in Palo Alto (PAL) […]
Artificial intelligence in and outside the classroom
The buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool that can help improve efficiency in schools has been growing. In a nutshell, ‘AI is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings’*. While this may seem like a futuristic concept, many of us are using forms […]
Turning paper into digital documents in schools
Whilst many schools are transforming their manual processes to benefit from the operational efficiencies that digital offers, many have realised that some paper documents are not going away any time soon. In many situations, hard copy documents of all types are still the primary trusted record. While you may still need to create hard copy […]
The State of Document Management in Education 2017/18
Following the 2017 Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference, Fuji Xerox sent a survey to conference attendees asking for feedback on the state of document management in private education. The results provide some interesting insights into the challenges and trends being felt by schools and business managers. When asked to identify the top administration […]
How to get started with scanning
If like many of us, you hear people of talk of scanning and your eyes glaze over, you haven’t cottoned on to the fact that every business you can think of needs a scanning solution. The first thing you need to understand is what are the different types of scanners and who uses them. Sure, […]
Planning for business growth: 5 things you can start doing today
You work hard every day to take your business to that next level. But if you’re not also planning to adequately accommodatethat growth, your business could be hindered operationally and missing out on opportunities when it’s time to expand and soar. Every business inevitably experiences some growing pains, but there are strategies you can put in […]
Scanners for schools
It would be easy to think of the modern-day student as needing only their laptop and an internet connection to thrive at school. But it would also be naïve to think that the internet is their only source of information gathering. What I’m getting at is… books are not dead! Today’s student however, needs to […]