Key challenges and requirements for printers in education

Today’s schools and universities are under pressure to meet tough standards while facing budget constraints. At the same time, teachers and students want to embrace new technology while studies show that the use of colour increases learning and participation. As device flexibility and 24/7 connectivity becomes part of daily life, cost-effective digital printing, document management […]
Which interactive projector is right?

Buying interactive technology can be a daunting task. When you are buying and testing potential interactive projectors, really put it through its paces by following this suggested test list. Run tests like show a colourful image that they are familiar with (i.e. their logo) are the projected colours as vibrant as they would expect? Show […]
Why you need Interactive Flat Panels in your school

The first Interactive Whiteboards were installed in 2005 and growth accelerated quickly. The recent trend is for Interactive Flat Panels and they have just started to replace some of the early Interactive Whiteboards.”(4) This data reflect the growing opportunity for this market now and for the future. The Growing Need for Smart Classrooms and […]
MakerBot Replicator+, the best 3D printer for schools

MakerBot Replicator+ was awarded as the best 3D printer for schools 2017 by All3DP magazine. That’s because no other 3D printing manufacturer has invested so heavily in building a dedicated ecosystem for the education space. The MakerBot Replicator+ has specific safety features optimised for the classroom. There’s a removable flexible bed that isn’t heated; an […]
How to successfully implement Managed Print Services

For business leaders, the thought of implementing Managed Print Services (MPS) into their organisation can be a somewhat daunting task. In all the weighing up of pros and cons, how does one not get overwhelmed at the thought of transferring over the whole organisation’s current print system into a newer, sleeker operation that can save […]
The hidden costs of MFPs

Anecdotal evidence shows that printing is actually the third biggest expense for organisations; just behind payroll and rent. It’s an interesting thought, especially when companies often spend so much time and effort trying to reduce costs across staffing and infrastructure; but the little old printing set-up often slips right under the radar. But let’s not […]
Emerging technologies that can fuel the growth of your SMB

It’s hard to keep up with the constant changes in technology. Everything is moving in a very fast pace. As a business owner, you need to continuously evolve your business, and adjust to the changes within the business environment. You need to be able to integrate new technologies that would propel your company forward and help you […]
Data Security Mistakes Small Businesses Need to Avoid

Is your company doing all it can to protect itself against cyber threats? Here are some of the most common data security mistakes made by small businesses. Relying on outdated technology – Time doesn’t stand still when it comes to technology. No matter how effective a piece of equipment or version of software may be, it’s […]
The Ultimate Digital Solutions to Help Keep Your Important Documents Secure

With great technology comes great responsibility. This is especially true in the increasingly digital and online world we live in. These days, our whole lives are online – from our personal social media pages and the information we store in the Cloud, to our work lives – our confidential documents, our sensitive client information and […]
Working Towards or Have a Remote Workforce? Why You’ll Need Wireless and Remote Printing

Did you know that one in three Australian workers now regularly work from home? Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that the number of employed people who work from home has significantly grown from 20 per cent of the entire labour force to 30 per cent in the last 15 years. With a substantial amount […]