Are legacy processes killing your productivity?

Did you know that legacy processes are costing your business money and causing significant disruptions to efficiency? A case study commissioned by FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia has found that 72% of customers reporting problems while completing a transaction in the last 12 months was due to paper and manual processing errors. This is proven to […]

How technology can lead an improvement in Aged Care

The aged care sector in Australia is at a critical moment in time, owing to both recent Royal Commission findings and COVID-19. This, coupled with the prospect of people living longer and the statistic that baby boomers comprise 21.5% of the Australian population in 2021, demonstrates an ever-increasing demand for aged care services. The Royal […]

The State of Document Management in Education 2017/18

Following the 2017 Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference, Fuji Xerox sent a survey to conference attendees asking for feedback on the state of document management in private education. The results provide some interesting insights into the challenges and trends being felt by schools and business managers. When asked to identify the top administration […]

On-premise, Cloud, or Hybrid: Which ECM is right for you?

As a way of capturing, managing, storing and delivering content and documents, an enterprise content management system (ECM) can be worth its weight in organisational gold. Traditionally, document and content management was done using an on-premise ECM, but the emergence of cloud technologies expands the ECM offering to cloud or hybrid, combining the best of […]


Kyocera business apps are powered by HyPAS™ (Hybrid Platform for Advanced Solutions), a Kyocera-developed software platform that expands your MFP’s core capabilities with simple touch-screen operations that address your unique workflow needs. Leveraging this technology, paper documents are cost-effectively routed into an efficient digital workflow, helping you control costs, secure processes and gain the competitive […]

How to address print and document management at your school

For IT and operational managers at schools, ensuring that the best systems and workflows are in place throughout the school can prove to be an ongoing challenge, as this encompasses logistics, waste resources, budgets and everything in between; not to mention the school’s printing. If printing isn’t managed efficiently, a school can experience an increase in […]

The hidden costs of centralised printing

When looking at what kind of corporate print solution to roll out, many large companies with multiple departments, would instinctively lean towards choosing a few all-rounder multi-function printers in centralised positions around the various floors or departments. This is frequently based on the assumption that this approach is the most cost effective in providing the […]

KYOCERA Managed Document Services

KYOCERA MDS Offering a unique combination of long experience and unrivalled expertise, KYOCERA is a world-leading supplier of print and document solutions to the public and private sector. Our ability to deliver reliable, cost-saving, technology-led solutions, fully tailored to the needs of the user, have earned us a global reputation for maximising productivity and sustainability […]

Key challenges and requirements for printers in education

Today’s schools and universities are under pressure to meet tough standards while facing budget constraints. At the same time, teachers and students want to embrace new technology while studies show that the use of colour increases learning and participation. As device flexibility and 24/7 connectivity becomes part of daily life, cost-effective digital printing, document management […]

How to successfully implement Managed Print Services

For business leaders, the thought of implementing Managed Print Services (MPS) into their organisation can be a somewhat daunting task. In all the weighing up of pros and cons, how does one not get overwhelmed at the thought of transferring over the whole organisation’s current print system into a newer, sleeker operation that can save […]