Is technology the future of education?

A collaboration between ABC Education and Deakin Motion.Lab conveys how technology benefits students’ learning, and engages them in the classroom. Fist published April 2018 With technology advancing rapidly in today’s society, it was only a matter of time until schools began integrating it into classrooms. So much so, that terms like ‘digital literacy’ and ‘digital […]


The future of learning and teaching: Big changes ahead for education As the world we live in changes to embrace tech futures, how and what we teach in our education system will also be reshaped to keep up to date with the growing demands of the 21st century. RMIT School of Education Professor Tricia McLaughlin […]


Despite its role in preparing young people to move society and technology forward, the education industry has remained ironically resistant to change. Until recently, most educational processes have remained virtually unchanged for decades or longer. However, the digital revolution hasn’t forgotten education – schools and colleges have finally started introducing drastic changes, and in the […]

How to identify and respond to a data breach

Data breaches can result in significant costs to an organisation – according to Ponemon Institute’s ‘2017 Cost of Data Breach Study: Australia’, the average total cost of a data breach was $2.51 million. But the costs to the individual whose personal information has been intercepted can be devastating, with consequences ranging from financial fraud and identity […]

11 Things Ultra-Productive People Do Differently

When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge—there are only 24 hours in a day. Yet some people seem to have twice the time; they have an uncanny ability to get things done. Even when juggling multiple projects, they reach their goals without fail. Time is really the only capital that any […]

How sustainable is in-house print management?

Every business worth its salt aims to be more sustainable, not just in terms of being more environmentally friendly, but also in terms of reducing costs and overheads. Often the two go hand in hand, with efforts to be more eco-friendly also having a marked positive effect on a company’s bottom line. Print management plays a […]

The State of Document Management in Education 2017/18

Following the 2017 Association of School Business Administrators (ASBA) conference, Fuji Xerox sent a survey to conference attendees asking for feedback on the state of document management in private education. The results provide some interesting insights into the challenges and trends being felt by schools and business managers. When asked to identify the top administration […]

How to get started with scanning

If like many of us, you hear people of talk of scanning and your eyes glaze over, you haven’t cottoned on to the fact that every business you can think of needs a scanning solution. The first thing you need to understand is what are the different types of scanners and who uses them. Sure, […]

Planning for business growth: 5 things you can start doing today

You work hard every day to take your business to that next level. But if you’re not also planning to adequately accommodatethat growth, your business could be hindered operationally and missing out on opportunities when it’s time to expand and soar. Every business inevitably experiences some growing pains, but there are strategies you can put in […]

Scanners for schools

It would be easy to think of the modern-day student as needing only their laptop and an internet connection to thrive at school. But it would also be naïve to think that the internet is their only source of information gathering. What I’m getting at is… books are not dead! Today’s student however, needs to […]