Real productivity heroes use software to save time and be efficient
Productivity is the buzzword of our working generation. With rapid globalisation, the ability to turn on a dime, respond to market opportunities and execute on them commercially and productively has never been more valuable. Today’s business heroes need to not only be productive in their own capacity, but they also need to seek ways to […]
Lexmark SMART IoT Devices are here now
It may surprise you to learn that printers were among the first IoT-enabled components of business. Today the average Lexmark printer is equipped with more than 120 sensors dedicated to collecting data. This data is gathered from the millions of Lexmark devices under management worldwide and stored in the Lexmark IoT Hub—a single, globally managed […]
Data security – why it’s important and what to do about it
Businesses constantly engage with, manage and leverage data. But it’s the ones that take a holistic approach to data strategy – from the point of creation to organisation, storage and including analysis – that are able to optimise their technology investment, productivity and efficiency, and lower their costs. A good data strategy will ensure all data initiatives […]
Document Management Makes Life Easier for SMBs
Staying organized in a small- to medium-sized business (SMB) can be difficult. SMBs frequently struggle matching workload demands with the number of employees they have on hand, which oftentimes leads to clerical errors and disorganization. But, did you know that staying organized with tools like document management software can actually save you time and money? […]
Fuji Xerox Launches Business Support For Scanners With Solution Assist
In my role at SOS I have the pleasure of working with small to medium businesses right around Australia. In speaking with these business owners I see first-hand the common issues they face. Everything from resourcing to increasing business costs is enough to make even the most ardent small business owner lose sleep at night. It’s […]
4 Smart Ways To Find Help For Your Fuji Xerox Printers And Devices
“The only mistake you can make is not asking for help.” Sandeep Jauhar To borrow a famous phrase: sometimes we get by with a little help from our friends. For all those other times we can get by with the help of our printer service provider. Yes, our online environment has fostered an environment of independence. […]
How Cloud Solutions Support Business Mobility And Efficiency
Cloud technology is changing the way we do business. Today, employees are more likely to work from home, on the road or from remote sites like cafes, only stepping into the traditional office environment when picking up business critical documents. Giving them the ability to access and print documents directly from their smart device will […]
How Cloud Based Business Solutions Keep SMEs Efficient And Competitive
Gone are the days when employees were office-bound from nine to five. Today, more and more businesses of all sizes have realised that employee mobility can increase revenue, boost employee productivity and even reduce costs. For instance, why have a huge office space if most of your staff is made of sales reps or tradies […]
How SMEs Can Simplify Document Processes and Boost Admin Productivity
You may think that when employing semi-permanent, part time or casual staff, it will be more cost effective than running an office packed with full-time employees. This is partly true: it requires less paperwork and reduces HR overheads, and perhaps you can save some money with a smaller office space. But employing semi-permanent or casual […]